MSP Mandal's

Deogiri College Aurangabad

Feedback by Alumni on CURRICULUM

Name of Alumni: Faculty: Pass out Year:

Name of Current Organization/College/University: Position:

Contact: Email:

Academic Year:
Q.1 Fulfilment of my learning needs
Q.2 Applicability of the curriculum to real the life situations
Q.3 Clarity about the course objectives
Q.4 Weightage given to employability
Q.5 Weightage given to skill development
Q.6 Weightage givent to enterpreneurship
Q.7 Difficulty level of the course content
Q.8 Promotion of independant thinking by curriculum
Q.9 Usefulness of the curriculum at workplace
Q.10 Usefulness of the curriculum in my higher education
Q.11 Fulfilment of learning objectives
Q.12 Overall rating