Dr. Vishnu Patil
Ph.D. Bryden Schloarship – USA 2019
IQAC of Deogiri College, Aurangabad pursues its mission of quality management of all academic related activities. It mainly functions through the formula as below:
- Observation
- Feedback
- Review
- Corrective measure
- Follow up
IQAC ensures quality of teaching-learning process along with overall quality of students, teachers, and support staff. For constant improvements, feedback is taken on curriculum, teachers’ performance, canteen services, library services, hostel services, campus facilities, IT infrastructure, attainment of COs & POs, internal & external evaluation, student mentoring, short term courses, etc.
IQAC remains very attentive towards effective implementation of student mentoring, continuous internal evaluation, attainment of COs and POs, updating of infrastructure augmenting best learning experience.
Currently IQAC is paying more attention for improvement in the following issues:
- Students’ Progression
- Off Campus Placement
- Students’ Research
- Outcome Based Career Guidance Activities
- Special Mentoring Program for Physically Challenged Students
- Training Programs for Non-Teaching Staff