Welcome to Department of Microbiology
The Department of Microbiology of Deogiri College was established in 1980.
Microbiology deals with study of microorganisms, which plays an essential role in our day to day life. They have a wider range of physiological and biochemical potentialities than all other organisms. There is no field of human endeavor, where microbes do not play an important and often dominant role.
A trained microbiologist can successfully utilize the useful microorganisms and control the harmful ones. This department is one of the oldest departments in Marathwada region. Department has microbiology course at undergraduate as well as post graduate level. Prof. Dr. Mrs. Pushpalata Jadhav is Head of the Microbiology Department as permanent faculty. She obtained her Doctoral degree in Microbiology in 2004, with topic of research was “Studies on Azotobacter from sewage irrigated soils and rhizosphere of crop plants”. Dr. Deepti D. Dhere (M.Sc. Microbiology, UGC-NET, MH-SET), Ms. Priyanka Giri (M.Sc. Microbiology, MH-SET) and Mrs. Kavisha Patidar (M.Sc. Microbiology, M.Phil, MH-SET) are currently granted CHB faculty of the department. Faculty of the Microbiology department are sincere and dedicated to their work and subject. The department has non-teaching staff member- a laboratory attendant. The department always insists on quality training to students. Hence, believes those best trained and educated in the field will be most in demand, and will have the most responsible positions and will command high paying jobs. These efforts have resulted in good strength of students over the years. The department is academically efficient, moreover has all necessary facilities, the basic and advanced instruments required to carry out practical courses effectively.
In addition to academic studies, students actively get involved in project works, seminars, alumni interaction & social awareness programmes. Students also enthusiastically take part in study tours and visits to local industries and institutions. Under extension work, final year students along with a teacher visit local schools to introduce and demonstrate them microorganisms and their activities.
Since establishment, the department is producing best results and also some university rank holders.
Many of our ex-students are at present working as principal, HODs and lecturers at many colleges. Some are well placed in pharmaceutical companies, various other industries, public health department and pathological laboratories.