From the Secretary’s Mind

Shri. Satish Bhanudasrao Chavan (Secretary)
We are profoundly dedicated to the quality and relevance of the education that we offer at Deogiri College. We always believe that success and excellence lie in hard work and consistency that has been proved by our academic accreditation by NAAC as ‘A’ grade with CGPA 3.75 ( III Cycle ) out of 4. Excellence is a great starting point for any new organization and an unending journey. So with the available resources, infrastructure and manpower. M.S.P.Mandal’s Deogiri College is on the path of achieving excellence and for this we need whole hearted support and active participation from every student and faculty of this institute. One of the founding tenets of M.S.P.Mandal’s Deogiri College is to promote the academic interests of the students of rural background, in the context of the ever increasing competition within and globalization of the technical education. M.S.P.Mandal’s Deogiri College in turn, provides our students with enhanced global visibility, a wide range of contacts & professionals networking opportunities, academic scholarships, cost beneficial services, information, and necessary guidance. Our key strengths are ability to provide an extensive range of academic services for our students, to encourage its faculty in the national and international arena, and facilitating academic discourse between Deogiri College and the institutes of higher learning in India and abroad. We wish all the best to students, parents and faculty.