Name: Dr. M.V. Rote

Qualification: M.A. Ph.D., SET

Designation: Asst. Professor & Head of Department

Specialization: Modern India

Research Area: Modern Maharashtra


View Curriculum Vitae

Sr. No.Name of FacultyQualificationDesignationE-mailView Details
1Dr. Balasaheb TekaleM.A. M.Phil., Ph.D., SETAsst. Professorbbtekale1111@rediffmail.comView CV
2Dr. Subhash SuryawanshiM.A. M.Phil. Ph.D., NETAsst. Professorsubhashsurya36@gmail.comView CV
3Rajaram JeveM.A. SETAsst. Professorjeve.rajaram@gmail.comView CV