1. CM inaugural of book of RGSTC Project
1.2 Inaugural of National Conference by Former BSI Director N.P.Singh, V.N.Naik and other Dignitories
Former VC of SRTMU Nanded Hon'ble Pandit Vidhyasagar Visited Dept of Botany
3. Honble Shri Satish Chavan, Secretary, MSP Mandal during Plantation
2. Leading Taxonomist V.N.Naik in the National Conference on Biodiversity Scenario
10. Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor, BATU, Prof. K.V. Kale Inaugural Talk in Botany Program
4. ETDAB2019 National Conference
17. Plantation in Campus
8. Plantation by Management Members and Administrative Staff
5. ETDAB2019 M Sanjappa BSI Director Talk
6. Plantation out of Campus
7. Pro V.C. Prof Pravin Wakte Inaugural Talk in Science Forum
9. R.P.Patil Delivering Talk on Science Day, Under Science Forum
11. Director, Sericulture Board adressing Students and Researchers in a Workshop
12. Registrar, Dr BAMU inaugurating Science Forum
13. Inaugural of One Day Professional Program organised by Dept of Botany
14. Scientists Visited and delivered a talk to Students
15. Honble Harshe Anna addessing Students in Science Forum
16. Plantation By Hon Management Members
18. Plantation Drive
19. Students Activity by Dept of Botany
20. Landscaping at Deogiri Campus
21. ETDAB2019 National Conference Gathering
22. Valedictory Address by Organising Secretary R.P.Patil
23. Alumni Meet 2020
24. Vermicomposting participation of PG Students
25. Eco- Friendly use of Tree guards off campus
Prominent Alumni of Botany